2020-21 ARCS NCC Scholars

Jessica Agnos 
Department of Physics & Astronomy, SFSU
Charles Alex 
Department of Integrative Pathobiology, US Davis
Madeline Arnold
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, UC Berkeley
Isabella Backman 
Department of Science Communication, UC Santa Cruz
Vera Belaia
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley
Hersh Bhargava 
Department of Biophysics, UCSF
Jake Bieber 
Department of Bioengineering, UCSF
Jessica Briones 
Department of Biology (Cell & Molecular), SFSU
Oscar Cazares 
Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology, UC Santa Cruz
Xian Chang 
Department of Biomolecular Engineering, UC Santa Cruz
Margaret Coad
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford
Savannah Conlon 
Department of Chemistry, UC Santa Cruz
David Coulter 
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UC Santa Cruz
William DeRocco 
Department of Physics, Stanford
Graham Edwards 
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, UC Santa Cruz
Aviv Elor 
Department of Computational Media, UC Santa Cruz
Spencer Everett 
Department of Physics, UC Santa Cruz
Ramin Farhad 
Department of Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, UCSF
Emmet Francis
Department of Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis
Richard Grewelle 
Department of Biology, Stanford
Laura Gunsalus 
Department of Biomedical & Medical Informatics, UCSF
William Harvey 
Department of Physics and Astronomy, SFSU
Logan Horowitz
Department of Electrical Engineering, UC Berkeley
Michael Huh
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, UC Davis
Hope Ianiri 
Department of Ocean Sciences, UC Santa Cruz
Ryan Johnson 
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UC Santa Cruz
Nicholas Karavolias
Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley
Giordan Kitts 
Department of Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology, UC Santa Cruz
Rebekah Lane 
Department of Biology (Marine and Estuarine), SFSU
Kelsey Lyberger
Population Biology Graduate Group, UC Davis
Emma "Mickey" MacKie 
Department of Geophysics, Stanford
Alexandra McInturf
Animal Behavior Graduate Group, UC Davis
Stephanie Melchor 
Department of Science Communication, UC Santa Cruz
Lena Meyer 
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, UC Santa Cruz
Brittney Miller 
Science Communication Master’s Program, UC Santa Cruz
Molly Nicholas
Department of Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Jared O’Leary
Department of Chemical Engineering, UC Berkeley
Katerina Rademacher 
Department of Neuroscience, UCSF
Neeraja Ravi 
Department of Bioengineering, Stanford
Alexander Reinking
Department of Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Ilan Rosen 
Department of Applied Physics, Stanford
John "Jack" Ruth 
Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford
Megan Sabal 
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UC Santa Cruz
Stephannie Seng 
Department of Biology (Cell and Molecular), SFSU
Nathan Stacey
Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford
Daphne Superville
Department of Biomedical Sciences, UCSF
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UC SANTA CRUZ
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, SFSU
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, UC Santa Cruz
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacogenomics, UCSF
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford