2023-24 ARCS NCC Scholars

Ahmad Abassi
Ahmad Abassi
Department of Mathematics, UC Berkeley
Jonathan Aguiñaga
Jonathan Aguiñaga
Population Biology Graduate Group, UC Davis
Amin Al-Jamal
Amin Al-Jamal
Department of Biology (Integrative), SFSU                
Berenice Baca-Ceballos
Berenice Baca-Ceballos
Department of Biology (Marine), SFSU
Scott Evan Berger
Scott Evan Berger
Department of Biophysics, Stanford
Anne Beulke
Anne Beulke
Department of Ocean Sciences, UCSC
Jessica Blumenfeld
Jessica Blumenfeld
Department of Neuroscience, UCSF
Madelyn Broome
Madelyn Broome
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UCSC
Lucia Brunel
Lucia Brunel
Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford
Amanda Caceres
Amanda Caceres
Department of Chemistry , UC Davis
Amanda Carbajal
Amanda Carbajal
Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology, UCSC
Elsie Carrillo
Elsie Carrillo
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCSC
Cassidy Cooper
Cassidy Cooper
Animal Behavior Graduate Group, UC Davis
Mariah Angel Cuyson
Mariah Angel Cuyson
Department of Biology (Cellular & Molecular), SFSU
Camille Derderian
Camille Derderian
Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, UCSF
Gillian Dohrn
Gillian Dohrn
Science Communication Master’s Program, UCSC
Anthony Donahue
Anthony Donahue
Department of Biology (Marine & Estuarine), SFSU
Amanda Donaldson
Amanda Donaldson
Department of Earth & Planetary Studies, UCSC
Yasmine Elshenawi
Yasmine Elshenawi
Department of Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology, UCSC
Alyssa Estrada
Alyssa Estrada
Department of Biology (Cellular & Molecular)   , SFSU
Caroline Faircloth
Caroline Faircloth
Department of Biology (Integrative), SFSU
Jane Fudyma
Jane Fudyma
Department of Soils & Biogeochemistry, UC Davis
Jacquelyn Galvez
Jacquelyn Galvez
Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
Carissa Garrity
Integrative Pathobiology, UC Davis
Kameron Gausling
Kameron Gausling
Department of Physics & Astronomy, SFSU
Joseph Germino
Joseph Germino
Department of Biomedical Sciences, UCSF
Chloe Ghent
Chloe Ghent
Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, UCSF
Navid Gougol
Navid Gougol
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, UCSC
Elizabeth Grant
Elizabeth Grant
Geology Graduate Group, UC Davis
Ryan Green
Ryan Green
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, UCSC
Julia Harençár
Julia Harenčár
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCSC
Cynthia “Abby” Harris
Cynthia “Abby” Harris
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, UC Berkeley
Mallory Harris
Mallory Harris
Department of Biology, Stanford
Mohammed “Mo” Hashemian
Mohammed “Mo” Hashemian
Department of Chemistry, UC Davis
Hope Hauptman
Hope Hauptman
Department of Environmental Systems, UC Merced
Macall Hock
Macall Hock
Ecology Graduate Group, UC Davis
Logan Horowitz
Logan Horowitz
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Zach Horton
Zach Horton
Department of Statistics, UCSC
Carolyn Smith Hughes
Carolyn Smith Hughes
Department of Epidemiology & Translational Science, UCSF
Zunaira Iqbal
Zunaira Iqbal
Department of Cognitive & Information Sciences, UC Merced
Rianna Jitosho
Rianna Jitosho
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford
Doreen Joseph
Department of Computer Science, UC Davis
Sarah King
Sarah King
Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, UC Davis
Alex Kramer
Alex Kramer
Department of Biomolecular Engineering, UCSC
Darwin Kwok
Darwin Kwok
Department of Biomedical Sciences, UCSF
Nilsa La Cunza
Nilsa La Cunza
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacogenomics, UCSF
Matt Larson
Matt Larson
Department of Mathematics, Stanford
Alex Jihun Lee
Alex Jihun Lee
Department of Neurology, UCSF
Quimby Lee
Quimby Lee
Neuroscience Graduate Group, UC Davis
Suzanne Lipton
Suzanne Lipton
Department of Environmental Studies, UCSC
Meredith Lutz
Meredith Lutz
Animal Behavior Graduate Group, UC Davis
ARCS Scholar Anna Makar-Limanov Stanford
Anna Makar-Limanov
Department of Chemistry, Stanford
Lourenço Martins
Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
Maria McSharry
Maria McSharry
Department of Molecular & Cell Biology, UC Berkeley
Jason Meintjes
Jason Meintjes
Department of Mathematics, SFSU
Milana Meyer
Milana Meyers
Department of Chemistry (Biochemistry), SFSU
Kira Miller
Kira Miller
Department of Biology (Integrative)  , SFSU
Callan Monette
Callan Monette
Department of Bioengineering, Stanford
Maria Angelica Muñoz
Maria Angelica Muñoz
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, UC Davis
Nicholas O’Dea
Nicholas O’Dea
Department of Physics, Stanford
Rachel O’Sullivan
Rachel O'Sullivan
Department of Neuroscience, UCSF
Julia Owen
Julia Owen
Ecology Graduate Group, UC Davis
Reesab Pathak
Reesab "Reese" Pathak
Department of Computer Science, UC Berkeley
Robin Peter
Department of Nuclear Engineering, UC Berkeley
Sruthi Raguveer
Sruthi Raguveer
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, UCSF
Mara Reed
Mara Reed
Department of Earth & Planetary Science, UC Berkeley
Madeline Reinsel
Madeline Reinsel
Science Communication Master’s Program, UCSC
Sophie Ruehr
Sophie Ruehr
Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, UC Berkeley
Mays Mohammed Salih
Mays Mohammed Salih
Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology, UCSC
Dominic Sanchez
Dominic Sanchez
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, UCSF
Devin Schoen
Devin Schoen
Department of Bioengineering, UCSF
Cooper Selco
Cooper Selco
Department of Applied Science & Technology, UC Berkeley
Arabi Seshappan
Arabi Seshappan
Department of Physics, UC Merced
Lauren Schechtman
Lauren Schechtman
Department of Developmental & Stem Cell Biology, UCSF
Alec Shelley
Department of Applied Physics, Stanford
Devin Simbol
Devin Simbol
Department of Chemistry, SFSU
Tyler Singer-Clark
Tyler Singer-Clark
Department of Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis
Devinn Sinnott
Devinn Sinnott
Integrative Pathobiology, UC Davis
Richelle Smith
Richelle Smith
Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford
Rachelle Stark
Rachelle Stark
Department of Metabolic Biology, UC Berkeley
Paul Summers
Paul Summers
Department of Geophysics, Stanford
Alice Truong
Alice Truong
Department of Biology (Integrative), SFSU
Alauna Wheeler
Alauna Wheeler
Department of Physics, UC Merced
Ross Wohlgemuth
Ross Wohlgemuth
Department of Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology, UC Davis